Author: Vishnu Mohan V

  • How to transfer money from USA to India 

    How to transfer money from USA to India 

    4,4 million Indians reside in the United States of America, and this diaspora accounts for about 1.35 percent of the country’s population. Being the largest economy in the world, the USA contributes to 23.4 percent of India’s inward remittances annually. The money Indians in the USA send home serves multiple purposes. Primarily, this foreign money…

  • How to transfer money from Australia to India 

    How to transfer money from Australia to India 

    The Indian diaspora in Australia represents a significant and growing segment of the national population. As per data from the Ministry of External Affairs by the Government of India, the overseas population in Australia stands strong at 496000. Notably, a substantial portion of this community comprises skilled professionals actively contributing to the Australian economy across…

  • What Is Dearness Allowance (DA) In Private Companies?

    What Is Dearness Allowance (DA) In Private Companies?

    Dearness Allowance (DA) is compensation provided to employees by either government or private sector employers. It aims to offset the increased cost of living from inflation. This allowance is calculated based on an employee’s basic salary and typically undergoes biannual adjustments in response to changes in the inflation rate. The term ‘Dearness’ in DA refers…

  • How to transfer money from Canada to India 

    How to transfer money from Canada to India 

    1.85 million Indians reside in Canada, and around 15 lakhs more are planning to migrate there in the coming years. Factors, including high living standards, a strong economy, and immense job opportunities, make Canada attractive to Indian graduates. The nation also has one of the world’s best healthcare systems. These collectively add to the high…

  • How to transfer money from Japan to India 

    How to transfer money from Japan to India 

    Big salaries and a higher standard of living attract expats to Japan. From time immemorial, trade connected India with Japan. Indian merchants and travelers who settled in Japan’s heartland have centuries of history to expound. Today, what attracts Indian professionals to Japan is booming job opportunities in high-tech industries like robotics. Also, there is a…

  • How to transfer money from Europe to India 

    How to transfer money from Europe to India 

    Indian immigrants in Europe stand strong at 3 million. From entrepreneurship to healthcare and academia, you can sense the presence of this vibrant immigrant community playing a pivotal role in propelling the European Union’s economic growth. Netherlands, Italy, and France are the prominent nations housing a lion’s share of the Indian diaspora in the EU.…

  • How to transfer money from Dubai to India 

    How to transfer money from Dubai to India 

    According to estimates for 2023, there are over 3.86 million Indians living in the UAE, making up 38 percent of the country’s population. Indian professionals play an epic role in sectors like business, healthcare, education and technology, contributing significantly to Dubai’s economic growth. It is worth mentioning that many Indians in Dubai hold positions in…